Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tag! I'm it!

So I got tagged by my bff Connie Johnson to tell you 7 things you might not know about me. Only problem is you probably don't know them for a reason!
#1- I hate tomatoes. I have no idea why. Justin still tries to get me to "just have a bite you'll like it." I did once and it was sick! At least I can say I tried.
#2- I throw up when I eat eggs. Connie made me think of that one, as I'm sure she remembers what happened. I was staying the night at her house and they had eggs for dinner. It was one of those "try it you'll like it" things again, so i ate some and I didn't hate it, it just wasn't my favorite. About and hour later I was laying on their nice leather couch, because I didn't feel good, and up it came! I thought her dad would kill me! (sorry couch!) It was so gross! I have never had eggs since.
#3- I hate scary movies. They still give me nightmares.
#4- I am turning into my mother. My mom is great but she used to drive me crazy when I was growing up, because she is a ocd neat freak!! I swore up and down that I would never do that. Now I find myself doing the same kind of stuff! (just ask Justin) Oh well I guess there are worse things then having a clean house huh?
#5- I hate white walls. They look so boring! I can only handle it for so long! When Justin was at home in Wyoming for break once I took the chance to paint our apt! It was so nice not to have boring walls!
#6- I name dishes I make up after myself. (kind of self centered don't ya think?) "Summer Salad" "Summer Sandwich" and "Summer Juice". To me they are the best foods in the world and no, I'm not going to tell you what they are!
#7- I can't spell to save my life! Justin is always teasing me about my spelling on this blog, so if you come across something spelled wrong- just move along.

Well I hope someone found this interesting, and I tag Destiny and Kari.


Destiny said...

Ok, I did it, thanks a lot (can you sense the sarcasm?) j/k that was fun, and hard!

bedelia said...

I can't watch scary movies either cause of nightmares. You would think a 29 year old would be over nightmares by now.

Ashley said...

That was fun to read, Summer! I hate scary movies too. And our house is nothing but white walls so you would go crazy here=) I don't like them either but I'm too scared to "christen"our new house and paint anything.

Melissa said...

Hey summer. I feel like I haven't talked to you or seen you in forever. Your little baby is so cute!! I loved the little cow outfit. It was funny reading all your stories. I am with you on the tomatoes...I absolutely hate them too!!! How is everything going. I think i saw that Justin said you guys were moving, where are you moving to?

Debbie said...

I loved learning more about you summer. I hate scary movies too. I wonder if there are lots of us like that!