Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jumping Bean

Little video of Sydney and her new jumper!!


Dallas and Abi Makin said...

She's getting so big!! how are you guys doing?? how are you liking the cold weather?

Kinzie Sue said...

So fun- Kiera loves her jumper and now she jumps when I'm holding her and she's not even in the jumper- silly baby! Hows Idaho treatin ya?'

JO said...

It looks like the jumper was a good investment. She seems to love it :)

Naomi said...

So cute! She has such a sweet smile.

heather bing said...

She's so big! What a cutie!

Jen Demaris said...

SO cute! hey did you get my voicemail the other day? I am excited to hopefully see ya soon in March! Did I tell ya Amy and Zeke are headed out here the first week of March? Yay I am so happy to see TX freinds next month!

Debbie said...

So cute! Katie and I enjoyed watching it. My favorite part is when she looks right at you and smiles. Sweet little dolly.