Tuesday, June 24, 2008


These were really hard to get in because someone can't hold still!

Sydney found Daddy's wallet.....uh oh.


Tiffany Webber said...

I love little piggies on cute little girls! Especially little redheads named Sydney! So cute!

Jamie said...

awe, cute! i wish i could do anything with sadie's hair, it is SO fine...i hope it gets thicker! syd is just darling :)

Lauralee Altice said...

Our kids look like they could be related. Camden has red hair and the fairest skin. I love her little piggies! Does she like having her hair fixed?


Hey Summer. My phone got dropped last night and it wont even turn on so I dont have your number and have no clue if youve called! Sorry, Im not sure if you want me to still watch Sydney today so give me your email address and Ill send you a number that you can get ahold of me. I love her pigtails!

heather bing said...

She is so cute! I'm hoping your nights have been quieter this week, Benadryl anyone?